<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1572149729722066&amp;ev=PageView &amp;noscript=1"> MID Hygiene: Keeping Your Merchant Account Happy and Healthy

MID Hygiene: Keeping Your Merchant Account Happy and HealthyWebinar Series:

Is your MID healthy ... or are you suffering through symptoms like chargebacks? Ensuring excellent MID "hygiene" is crucial to business longevity. In this free webinar, we'll share ways you can give your MID a check-up, correct any issues, and maintain a clean bill of health.

Excessive Chargebacks Connected to Your MID? That's Not Healthy.

chargebacks911 PayKings

eCommerce has revolutionized the consumer shopping experience, but it's also opened up new avenues of fraud. And any inconsistency in your supply or value chain will manifest itself in the form of a chargeback.

Join us for our upcoming webinar, where we'll offer expert advice and insider tips on ways to keep your MID squeaky clean and prevent chargebacks. Merchants of all types can benefit from this free, live, Q & A-based session: we’ll be taking your questions and offering insights based on our professional experience and expertise. Samples of areas covered include:

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Nate Foss

Nate Foss

VP Partner Relations at
Dan Mullins

Dan Mullins

Business Development at PayKings